Thursday, February 3, 2011

Marc Vetri Replied to my Tweet!!!

I was in Philadelphia this week, so I decided to drop by Vetri... 

That sounded a little more casual than it actually was. No, I made a reservation the second I knew I would be in Philly. I have been looking forward to Vetri for weeks now. And it certainly lived up to every expectation I had.

antipasti: sweetbreads with piopini mushrooms and crispy romaine leaves

This was so good. I can't even describe what the sweetbreads were like...
Manna is probably my best description. The mushrooms were tender and whole thing had this light gravy-like sauce all over it. Some of the best antipasti I've ever had.

 i piatti nella tradizione di Vetri: spinach gnocchi with shaved ricotta and brown butter

I've had gnocchi before, but never the spinach kind. This was tender and creamy with a touch of the cheesy ricotta taste. And the brown butter sauce put it over the top, in terms of decadence, which is actually one of my least favorite words, but I have to use it.

pasta: casoncelli with sage and pancetta

This was the best pasta I've ever had: smokey pancetta, sort of a brown butter sauce, sage, and a cheesy filling. All in all, one of the best meals ever.

And to top it off, afterwards I tweeted Marc Vetri himself: "had a delicious meal tonight! thank you for making such wonderful dishes."

And he actually tweeted back: "Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!"

That made my night. Thank you, Marc Vetri. 


Diane Erickson said...

You've given me inspiration to try and "tweet" the rich and famous. I think I'll tweet Rickie after this weeks tournament. Glad you had such a great meal.

Steadfast and Immovable said...

It's fun. I've had a few minor celebrities tweet me back. My goal is to get Tiger to tweet me back. :)